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Raja Ampat island

Terms and Conditions

Last Update: 08/15/2024


Please read the Terms and Conditions of TRAVELERS WITH CAUSE LLC, in this case operating as WILD AND WONDER (W&W), carefully before submitting your online application. By submitting your application, you confirm your acceptance and agree to be bound by the following W&W Terms and Conditions of Service:



  • All referenced prices are in U.S. dollars.

  • All deadlines referred to in these terms and conditions are based on Mexican Standard Time.

  • “W&W” refers to the company “Travelers With Cause” operating under the brand “Wild & Wonder.”

  • “User” or “Traveler” refers to the W&W customer who has applied to participate in a program or tour package.

  • “Providers” refers to the service provider at the destination, hotel, guide, or local coordinator facilitating the expedition.

  • “Route,” “Program,” “Package,” or “Expedition” refers to the services or packages contracted by the “User” from “W&W.”

  • The “W&W Website” or “Site” refers to or any of its variants such as “”

  • “Deposit” or “Deposit Payment” refers to the moment when a “User” registers for any of W&W’s programs and/or services.


Travel and Documentation

The “User” is solely responsible for organizing and paying for their own flight to and from the program destination, as well as local transportation costs. It is also the “User’s” responsibility to obtain and carry all necessary documentation, such as visas, vaccinations, and passports, when traveling abroad. While W&W may provide guidance to participants regarding the required travel documentation either personally or through an intermediary, W&W is not responsible for the accuracy of its advice or for providing or obtaining the necessary supporting documents for the participant’s travel needs, such as visas, medical certificates, travel permits. Participants are responsible for ensuring their travel documents are up to date and valid for travel and must provide them immediately after securing their spot. Arriving at the destination is entirely the responsibility of the “User.” W&W is not liable for any parts of the program or the entire program missed. The age limit to participate in a W&W program is 40 years, and the minimum age is 18 years. Lying about age will result in dismissal from the program without the possibility of a refund.


Payment Information

All users who reserve and make any payment to W&W will be considered non-refundable, transferable, or subject to changes. The amount to be paid will depend on the specific program and will be specified on the site of that program. The deposit payment is part of the total amount payable for the selected trip, and this payment secures your spot on the selected route and date. All payments include a 5% transaction fee to cover international banking transaction fees. All payments made to WILD AND WONDER are processed through our online platform, where we use the “Stripe” or “We Travel” payment processor. Packages are quoted in U.S. dollars, and your bank will determine the exchange rate at the time of payment. In your portal within our platform, you will receive a payment receipt each time you make a payment. We do not issue invoices with tax validity. Cash payments are not accepted.

A monthly installment plan is offered from the day you make your deposit until the 15th day of the month prior to your departure date. The package must be paid in full at least 30 days before the departure date. Additionally, by accepting these terms and conditions, the user agrees that each package and corresponding departure date has a unique payment scheme. All are divided into a $150 USD deposit payment, and the remaining amount is split into three fixed payments to be completed more than 30 days before the departure date. Payments are made on the 15th of the month and can be processed automatically through the payment method authorized by the traveler. If desired, the traveler can pay off or settle their balance before the scheduled due date. If the user does not follow these policies, W&W reserves the right to make an automatic charge to the card and/or account registered through our portal one day after the deadline until the total outstanding amount from the user is paid. If payment is not made on time and automatic collection is not possible, reservations may be canceled due to non-payment.


W&W may, at its sole discretion, offer customized options to a “User” or group of “Users,” and the terms agreed upon in any customized option will apply to that “User” or group of “Users” instead of the options set forth in these Terms and Conditions or on the W&W website.


W&W reserves the right to update the terms of any registration fee option it offers, including the fee amount, at any time. W&W may offer new options at any time. All updates to the terms of the deposit payment options will be made through the W&W website. The revisions do not apply to “Users” who have already made their deposit payment before the updates take effect.


Refunds and Changes

All payments made are non-refundable due to the logistics, suppliers, and donations to communities with whom W&W works. W&W is not responsible for unforeseen events or changes in the user’s personal circumstances that may affect their ability to participate in the route.

The only users eligible for refunds are those whose route is canceled by W&W due to force majeure, under the following conditions:


• Any currency loss or gain from the transaction is the user’s responsibility.

• Each refund will incur a fixed financial fee of 4% of the amount to be refunded.

• Refunds may take up to 30 business days to be reflected.

• Refunds are processed to the same card used for payment.


A 12-month credit can be obtained if a replacement is found for the user on the route. The amount already paid can be used as credit for any other route within the same calendar year (12 months after). If no replacement is found, the payments made will not be attributable as credit and cannot be transferred to other routes. If no dates are published for future routes, the “User” must be informed by W&W of the next release of dates to join once published. If the program the user was enrolled in changes or no longer exists, the user must choose an available route option within W&W’s offerings at the time of the change. Any cancellation made within 90 days of the departure date will not be eligible for any changes or credits.



The “User” acknowledges and accepts the responsibilities and risks associated with their choice to travel, temporarily reside, and visit a foreign country. Such travel can be dangerous and involve a certain degree of risk, inherently dangerous activities, and personal dangers to the “User,” both anticipated and unanticipated, all of which are fully accepted and assumed solely by the “User.” Therefore, W&W, including all of its employees, managers, directors, shareholders, host families, partners, and independent local teams (collectively, the “W&W Related Parties”), is not responsible and disclaims all liability, to the fullest extent permitted by law. This includes any loss or damage the “User” or associates may suffer, including, but not limited to, losses caused directly or indirectly by:


• Personal injury;

• Emotional distress;

• Death;

• Illness or sickness;

• Property damage or loss;

• Natural disasters;

• Hostage situations, harassment, or violence;

• War or terrorism;

• Protests.


Liability and Indemnification

The “User” agrees to indemnify and hold harmless W&W and all W&W Related Parties from any and all losses or liabilities they may suffer arising directly or indirectly from, or in connection with, the “User’s” participation in the program and any additional activities purchased through W&W. This includes, but is not limited to, the “User’s” travel, temporary residence at the chosen destination, and participation in volunteer or tourism activities.


Pre-Travel Guidance

W&W provides guidance to users to facilitate pre-travel preparations, including information on flights, visas, and vaccinations. However, W&W is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of such information. The user agrees that it is their responsibility to obtain all necessary information before making travel preparations. This includes, but is not limited to, verifying visa and vaccination requirements for the chosen destination, as well as reviewing airline policies regarding flights, layovers, and baggage. The user must adequately inform themselves and make the appropriate decisions at their own discretion.



W&W is not responsible for the purchase of flights, as well as any loss, delay, cancellation, or other inconveniences related to them, whether for domestic or international flights, whether or not they are part of the itinerary offered in any of the packages. Additionally, any additional expenses arising from these events will be the user’s responsibility. The user is responsible for following up on their flights directly with the airline or flight provider.


“Users” under 18 Years

“Users” participating in a W&W volunteer program before turning 18 must submit to W&W a notarized consent form signed by their parents or legal guardians no later than 2 weeks before the program start date. Only individuals up to 17 years old are accepted under the conditions mentioned herein. Not all programs accept minors under 18 years old.


The “User” under 18 has no right to participate in the program unless their parent or guardian has validly executed the consent form and the specific requirements of the W&W project or the independent local team. “Users” under 18 who do not travel with a legal guardian must provide a printed copy of this signed consent form upon arrival at their program. The “User” under 18 and their parents/guardians acknowledge that while in a volunteer program, it is the responsibility of the “User” under 18 to make all reasonable efforts

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